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Revision: 21239
at December 7, 2009 16:19 by s3xym4n

Initial Code
extensionfile=DreamweaverExtension; extensionversion=`xpath $extensionfile.mxi /macromedia-extension/@version | sed -e "s/^.*version=[\'\"]\(.*\)[\'\"].*$/\1/"`; /Applications/Adobe\ Extension\ Manager\ CS4/Adobe\ Extension\ Manager\\ Extension\ Manager\ CS4 -suppress -package mxi="$extensionfile.mxi" mxp="$extensionfile-`echo $extensionversion`.mxp"; sleep 1; /Applications/Adobe\ Extension\ Manager\ CS4/Adobe\ Extension\ Manager\\ Extension\ Manager\ CS4 -suppress -install mxp="$extensionfile-`echo $extensionversion`.mxp"

Initial URL

Initial Description
This will build and install a Dreamweaver CS4 extension automatically and silently. The version number will be taken from the *.mxi file and appended to the packed *.mxp. Set the extensionfile variable to the name of the *.mxi file without the extension.

If the the extensionfile variable is set to "DreamweaverExtension", Adobe Extension manager will build "DreamweaverExtension.mxi", generate "DreamweaverExtension-1.0.0.mxp" (version number taken from the *.mxi), and install it.

Initial Title
Build and install an Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 extension from a *.mxi

Initial Tags
Bash, extension

Initial Language