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Revision: 21155
at December 4, 2009 14:51 by DarkPepe

Updated Code
<?php if ( function_exists('get_query_var') ) {
$cpage = intval(get_query_var('cpage'));
if (  empty( $cpage ) ) : ?>
<?php the_content('Continúa Leyendo'); ?>	
<?php else: ?>
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php }; ?>

Revision: 21154
at December 4, 2009 14:49 by DarkPepe

Updated Code
<?php if ( function_exists('get_query_var') ) {
											 $cpage = intval(get_query_var('cpage'));
											      if (  empty( $cpage ) ) : ?>
										          <?php the_content('Continúa Leyendo'); ?>	
											  <?php else: ?>
											  <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
											  <?php endif; ?>		
											  <?php }; ?>

Revision: 21153
at December 4, 2009 14:41 by DarkPepe

Initial Code
<?php if ( function_exists('get_query_var') ) {
																$cpage = intval(get_query_var('cpage'));
																if (  empty( $cpage ) ) : ?>
																<?php the_content('Continúa Leyendo'); ?>	
																<?php else: ?>
																<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
																<?php endif; ?>		
																<?php }; ?>

Initial URL

Initial Description
This helps to avoid the "duplicated content" indexation by google on wordpress comment pages by changing the post content to the_excerpt ONLY in comment pages.

Initial Title
Change the_content to excerpt on comment pages (Wordpress)

Initial Tags

Initial Language