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Revision: 2695
at September 9, 2007 19:19 by rengber

Updated Code
        private enum DeliveryOptions  
            //Make sure you start with zero and increment by powers of 2.          
            //If you don't assign explicit values VS increments by 1.          
            //Very bad. For example (One | Two = Three)  	
            None = 0,  	//(0000)
            Mail = 1,   	//(0001)
            Email = 2,  	//(0010)
            Fax = 4,  //(0100) 	
        private DeliveryOptions deliveryFlags;  

        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Put some checkboxes on the form.  
            //A [Flag] enum can hold multiple values at once.  
            //Checking or unchecking boxes adds or removes values.  

        private bool CheckFlag(DeliveryOptions targetVal, DeliveryOptions checkVal)
            return ((targetVal & checkVal) == checkVal); 
        private bool HasBeenEmailed(DeliveryOptions targetVal)
            return CheckFlag(targetVal, DeliveryOptions.Email); 

        private void btnValueCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool emailDelivered = HasBeenEmailed(deliveryFlags) ; 

        private void chkOne_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (chkMail.Checked)
                deliveryFlags |= DeliveryOptions.Mail; 
                deliveryFlags &= ~DeliveryOptions.Mail; 

        private void chkTwo_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (chkEmail.Checked)
                deliveryFlags |= DeliveryOptions.Email;
                deliveryFlags &= ~DeliveryOptions.Email;

        private void chkThree_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (chkFax.Checked)
                deliveryFlags |= DeliveryOptions.Fax;
                deliveryFlags &= ~DeliveryOptions.Fax;

Revision: 2694
at March 27, 2007 20:24 by rengber

Initial Code
  private enum myAttributes
        //Make sure you start with zero and increment by powers of 2.  
        //If you don't assign explicit values VS increments by 1.  
        //Very bad. For example (One | Two = Three)
  	None = 0,
  	One = 1, 
  	Two = 2,
  	Three = 4, 
  	Four = 8

//Put some checkboxes on the form.  

  private void button1_Click_1(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  	myAttributes displayValue = myAttributes.None; 
    displayValue |= myAttributes.One; 
    displayValue |= myAttributes.Two; 

    displayValue |= myAttributes.Three; 
    displayValue |= myAttributes.Four; 

Initial URL

Initial Description
Note the use of the Bitwise Complement Operator ( ~ ) to AND the negative of the bit you want to set.

Initial Title
Using a Flag Enumeration with Bitwise Operations

Initial Tags

Initial Language