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Revision: 20748
at November 24, 2009 09:26 by ginoplusio

Initial Code
//$h = text
//$n = keywords to find separated by space
//$w = words near keywords to keep
function truncatePreserveWords ($h,$n,$w=5,$tag='b') {
	$n = explode(" ",trim(strip_tags($n)));	//needles words
	$b = explode(" ",trim(strip_tags($h)));	//haystack words
	$c = array();						//array of words to keep/remove
	for ($j=0;$j<count($b);$j++) $c[$j]=false;
	for ($i=0;$i<count($b);$i++) 
		for ($k=0;$k<count($n);$k++) 
			if (stristr($b[$i],$n[$k])) {
				for ( $j= max( $i-$w , 0 ) ;$j<min( $i+$w, count($b)); $j++) $c[$j]=true; 
	$o = "";	// reassembly words to keep
	for ($j=0;$j<count($b);$j++) if ($c[$j]) $o.=" ".$b[$j]; else $o.=".";
	return preg_replace("/\.{3,}/i","...",$o);

Initial URL

Initial Description
This function truncates text preserving the keyords specified, usefull for search results that should highlight found words.

Initial Title
Truncate text preserving keywords

Initial Tags

Initial Language