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Revision: 2655
at March 20, 2007 09:56 by 1man

Initial Code
//used below in "secret" linking
function object(o){//new function, argument o
	function F() {}//define function F(empty)
	F.prototype = o;//add the custom property/method passed through o
	return new F();//return the new function with the added property/method
//Old object
var myObject = {
		name: "Matt",
		dob: "12/12/1913",
		age: "95",
		ocupation: "Web Developer"
//Secret link new object to old object
var myNewObject = object(myObject);

//add values to the new object = "new name";
myNewObject.crime = "crime";

//it can't find "age" in new object, it looks at the old object via the link.;//firebug;//firebug

//delete info in an object
delete myObject.ocupation;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Shows you how to link 2 objects together via the object function. If a value isn't found in the object, it will look for it in the linked object.

Initial Title
Linking Objects & Deleting Info in Objects

Initial Tags
javascript, object, link

Initial Language