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Revision: 2630
at March 16, 2007 14:20 by purpleraison

Updated Code

class dbControls {
    var $title   = '';
    var $content = '';
    var $date    = '';

    function insertArticle()
        $this->title   = $_POST['title'];
        $this->content = $_POST['content'];

Revision: 2629
at March 16, 2007 14:19 by purpleraison

Initial Code

class dbControls {

    var $title   = '';
    var $content = '';
    var $date    = '';

    function insertArticle()
        $this->title   = $_POST['title'];
        $this->content = $_POST['content'];
        $this->date    = time();

Initial URL

Initial Description
just doodled this down, and haven't tried it yet to see what errors it generates once it's done.

Initial Title
test insert class?

Initial Tags

Initial Language