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Revision: 2398
at February 9, 2007 14:38 by drwitt

Updated Code
 * Singleton Repository
 * @param string $class PHP Class Name
 * @param string $id Optional Object ID
 * @return reference Reference to existing Object
function &Singleton($class, $id='') {
  static $singleton = array();
  if (!array_key_exists($class.$id, $singleton))
    $singleton[$class.$id] = &new $class();
  $reference = &$singleton[$class.$id];
  return $reference;

# first call: create object

# second call: get a reference
echo $current_user->Show_Beers_Counter();
#will be 5

#Two different objects

Revision: 2397
at February 8, 2007 04:50 by drwitt

Initial Code
 * Singleton Repository
 * @param string $class PHP Class Name
 * @param string $id Optional Object ID
 * @return reference Reference to existing Object
function &Singleton($class, $id='') {
  static $singleton = array();
  if (!array_key_exists($class.$id, $singleton))
    $singleton[$class.$id] = &new $class();
  $reference = &$singleton[$class.$id];
  return $reference;

# first call: create object

# second call: get a reference
echo $current_user->Show_Beers_Counter();
#will be 5

#Two different objects

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Flexible Singleton

Initial Tags
php, object, ruby

Initial Language