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Revision: 18716
at October 6, 2009 14:49 by Admiral

Initial Code

function admiralsTruncate($string, $length){
	settype($string, 'string');
	settype($length, 'integer');
	for($a = 0; $a < $length AND $a < strlen($string); $a++){
		$output .= $string[$a];

$my_string = 'cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da';

echo admiralsTruncate($my_string, 6);    // outputs: cfcd20

echo '<br>';

echo admiralsTruncate($my_string, 9);    // outputs: cfcd20849


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Initial Description
Hey everyone, I was noticing that there are a lot of ways that people are using to write their own string truncation functions wit the use of other functions like 'substr_replace', but it kinda seemed like a lot of them went a bit too far out to make any sense to a n00b. Not that I am one anymore, but I though I'd add a note on this topic myself, in hopes that it might help others understand things a little better.

Here's a concept that some people don't know about, or remember to use often enough; You can actually pull individual characters out of a string by referencing that string as though it were an array. Example: If I have the string $s = 'cat', I can use $s[0] to actually get out only the first character of that string, 'c'. I use that same principle below, but I just use a loop to iterate through a string and add the characters to the output variable one by one until the $lenth param has been reached, or until the end of the string.

I hope this can help someone out!

-Admiral Potato

Initial Title
PHP Truncate function

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