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Revision: 18579
at October 2, 2009 12:23 by jasonseney

Initial Code
public static string Truncate(string sourceText, string ellipsis, int min, int max)
	//If text is shorter than preview length
	if (sourceText.Length <= max)
		return sourceText; //@RETURN break out early if too short

	//Grab the char at the last position allowed
	char cutOffChar = sourceText[max];

	int lastPosition = max;

	//While the last char isn't a space, cut back until we hit a space or minimum
	while (cutOffChar != ' ' && lastPosition > min)
		cutOffChar = sourceText[lastPosition];

	//Crop text and add some dots
	string outText = sourceText.Substring(0, lastPosition);
	outText += ellipsis;

	return outText;

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Initial Description

Initial Title
C# Truncate String Text

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