Revision: 18433
Updated Code
at September 30, 2009 08:52 by iroybot
Updated Code
<?php /** * sicheres einlesen externer Dateien */ private function URLreadFsock($host, $file, &$errstr, $successonly=true, $port=80, $timeout=10) { if (!function_exists('fsockopen')) { $errstr = 'fsockopen() unavailable'; return false; } if ($fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $timeout)) { $out = 'GET '.$file.' HTTP/1.0'." "; $out .= 'Host: '.$host." "; $out .= 'Connection: Close'." "; fwrite($fp, $out); $isHeader = true; $Data_header = ''; $Data_body = ''; $header_newlocation = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 1024); if ($isHeader) { $Data_header .= $line; } else { $Data_body .= $line; } if (eregi('^HTTP/[\\.0-9]+ ([0-9]+) (.+)$', rtrim($line), $matches)) { list($dummy, $errno, $errstr) = $matches; $errno = intval($errno); } elseif (eregi('^Location: (.*)$', rtrim($line), $matches)) { $header_newlocation = $matches[1]; } if ($isHeader && ($line == " ")) { $isHeader = false; if ($successonly) { switch ($errno) { case 200: // great, continue break; default: $errstr = $errno.' '.$errstr.($header_newlocation ? '; Location: '.$header_newlocation : ''); fclose($fp); return false; break; } } } } fclose($fp); return $Data_body; } return null; } private function ParseURLbetter($url) { $parsedURL = @parse_url($url); if (!@$parsedURL['port']) { switch (strtolower(@$parsedURL['scheme'])) { case 'ftp': $parsedURL['port'] = 21; break; case 'https': $parsedURL['port'] = 443; break; case 'http': $parsedURL['port'] = 80; break; } } return $parsedURL; } private function _getVersionFile($url, &$error, $timeout=10, $followredirects=true) { $error = ''; $parsed_url = $this->ParseURLbetter($url); $alreadyLookedAtURLs[trim($url)] = true; while (true) { $tryagain = false; $rawData = $this->URLreadFsock(@$parsed_url['host'], @$parsed_url['path'].'?'.@$parsed_url['query'], $errstr, true, (@$parsed_url['port'] ? @$parsed_url['port'] : 80), $timeout); if (eregi('302 [a-z ]+; Location\\: (http.*)', $errstr, $matches)) { $matches[1] = trim(@$matches[1]); if (!@$alreadyLookedAtURLs[$matches[1]]) { // loop through and examine new URL $error .= 'URL "'.$url.'" redirected to "'.$matches[1].'"'; $tryagain = true; $alreadyLookedAtURLs[$matches[1]] = true; $parsed_url = $this->ParseURLbetter($matches[1]); } } if (!$tryagain) { break; } } if ($rawData === false) { $error .= 'Error opening "'.$url.'":'."\n\n".$errstr; return false; } elseif ($rawData === null) { // fall through $error .= 'Error opening "'.$url.'":'."\n\n".$errstr; } else { return trim($rawData); } // curl if (function_exists('curl_version')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); $rawData = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (strlen($rawData) > 0) { $error .= 'CURL succeeded ('.strlen($rawData).' bytes); '; return trim($rawData); } $error .= 'CURL available but returned no data; '; } else { $error .= 'CURL unavailable; '; } // fopen $BrokenURLfopenPHPversions = array('4.4.2'); if (in_array(phpversion(), $BrokenURLfopenPHPversions)) { $error .= 'fopen(URL) broken in PHP v'.phpversion().'; '; } elseif (@ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $rawData = ''; $error_fopen = ''; ob_start(); if ($fp = fopen($url, 'rb')) { do { $buffer = fread($fp, 8192); $rawData .= $buffer; } while (strlen($buffer) > 0); fclose($fp); } else { $error_fopen .= trim(strip_tags(ob_get_contents())); } ob_end_clean(); $error .= $error_fopen; if (!$error_fopen) { $error .= '; "allow_url_fopen" succeeded ('.strlen($rawData).' bytes); '; return trim($rawData); } $error .= '; "allow_url_fopen" enabled but returned no data ('.$error_fopen.'); '; } else { $error .= '"allow_url_fopen" disabled; '; } return false; }
Revision: 18432
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at September 30, 2009 08:51 by iroybot
Initial Code
<?php /** * sicheres einlesen externer Dateien */ private function URLreadFsock($host, $file, &$errstr, $successonly=true, $port=80, $timeout=10) { if (!function_exists('fsockopen')) { $errstr = 'fsockopen() unavailable'; return false; } if ($fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $timeout)) { $out = 'GET '.$file.' HTTP/1.0'." "; $out .= 'Host: '.$host." "; $out .= 'Connection: Close'." "; fwrite($fp, $out); $isHeader = true; $Data_header = ''; $Data_body = ''; $header_newlocation = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 1024); if ($isHeader) { $Data_header .= $line; } else { $Data_body .= $line; } if (eregi('^HTTP/[\\.0-9]+ ([0-9]+) (.+)$', rtrim($line), $matches)) { list($dummy, $errno, $errstr) = $matches; $errno = intval($errno); } elseif (eregi('^Location: (.*)$', rtrim($line), $matches)) { $header_newlocation = $matches[1]; } if ($isHeader && ($line == " ")) { $isHeader = false; if ($successonly) { switch ($errno) { case 200: // great, continue break; default: $errstr = $errno.' '.$errstr.($header_newlocation ? '; Location: '.$header_newlocation : ''); fclose($fp); return false; break; } } } } fclose($fp); return $Data_body; } return null; } private function ParseURLbetter($url) { $parsedURL = @parse_url($url); if (!@$parsedURL['port']) { switch (strtolower(@$parsedURL['scheme'])) { case 'ftp': $parsedURL['port'] = 21; break; case 'https': $parsedURL['port'] = 443; break; case 'http': $parsedURL['port'] = 80; break; } } return $parsedURL; } // fetch the latest version of XStandard private function _getVersionFile($url, &$error, $timeout=10, $followredirects=true) { $error = ''; $parsed_url = $this->ParseURLbetter($url); $alreadyLookedAtURLs[trim($url)] = true; while (true) { $tryagain = false; $rawData = $this->URLreadFsock(@$parsed_url['host'], @$parsed_url['path'].'?'.@$parsed_url['query'], $errstr, true, (@$parsed_url['port'] ? @$parsed_url['port'] : 80), $timeout); if (eregi('302 [a-z ]+; Location\\: (http.*)', $errstr, $matches)) { $matches[1] = trim(@$matches[1]); if (!@$alreadyLookedAtURLs[$matches[1]]) { // loop through and examine new URL $error .= 'URL "'.$url.'" redirected to "'.$matches[1].'"'; $tryagain = true; $alreadyLookedAtURLs[$matches[1]] = true; $parsed_url = $this->ParseURLbetter($matches[1]); } } if (!$tryagain) { break; } } if ($rawData === false) { $error .= 'Error opening "'.$url.'":'."\n\n".$errstr; return false; } elseif ($rawData === null) { // fall through $error .= 'Error opening "'.$url.'":'."\n\n".$errstr; } else { return trim($rawData); } // curl if (function_exists('curl_version')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); $rawData = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (strlen($rawData) > 0) { $error .= 'CURL succeeded ('.strlen($rawData).' bytes); '; return trim($rawData); } $error .= 'CURL available but returned no data; '; } else { $error .= 'CURL unavailable; '; } // fopen $BrokenURLfopenPHPversions = array('4.4.2'); if (in_array(phpversion(), $BrokenURLfopenPHPversions)) { $error .= 'fopen(URL) broken in PHP v'.phpversion().'; '; } elseif (@ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $rawData = ''; $error_fopen = ''; ob_start(); if ($fp = fopen($url, 'rb')) { do { $buffer = fread($fp, 8192); $rawData .= $buffer; } while (strlen($buffer) > 0); fclose($fp); } else { $error_fopen .= trim(strip_tags(ob_get_contents())); } ob_end_clean(); $error .= $error_fopen; if (!$error_fopen) { $error .= '; "allow_url_fopen" succeeded ('.strlen($rawData).' bytes); '; return trim($rawData); } $error .= '; "allow_url_fopen" enabled but returned no data ('.$error_fopen.'); '; } else { $error .= '"allow_url_fopen" disabled; '; } return false; }
Initial URL
Initial Description
this comes from YAPB plugin for WordPress. kudos to the author. (there are some functions that are deprecated in PHP 5.2+ - you'll need to replace eregi with the mb_ version). This should be quite failsafe, regardless if curl is installed or the settings in your php.ini (allow_url_fopen), etc.
Initial Title
Reading external files - the safe way
Initial Tags
curl, php
Initial Language