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Revision: 18279
at November 9, 2009 14:00 by jlvallelonga

Updated Code
'This function returns a copy of the array with all instances of the specified value removed
function removeValueFromArray(byval arrayName, valueToRemove)
	amountFound = 0 'keeps track of how many it found so that it knows what size to redim the array at the end
	topIndex = ubound(arrayName) 'hold the value of the ubound in a variable so that you can decrement it when you find the value to remove
	for i = 0 to ubound(arrayName)
		if i > topIndex then 'this keeps the loop from checking past the topIndex. keeps the loop from being infinite when the last value
			exit for ' exit the loop when you have reached the end of the checked values
		end if
		if arrayName(i) = valueToRemove then
			topIndex = topIndex - 1 'decrement the topIndex when you shift down so that it doesn't check the duplicated values at the end of the array
			amountFound = amountFound + 1 ' the value has been found so increment
			for j = i to (ubound(arrayName) - 1) 'shift the array values left to overwrite the value to remove
				arrayName(j) = arrayName(j + 1)
			'if the next element was equal to valueToRemove you have to go back and get rid of it too
			if arrayName(i) = valueToRemove then
				i = i - 1 ' this gets incremented at the beginning of the loop so don't worry about negative values
			end if
		end if
	redim preserve arrayName(ubound(arrayName) - amountFound)
	removeValueFromArray = arrayName
end function

Revision: 18278
at September 25, 2009 14:12 by jlvallelonga

Updated Code
'This function returns the array with all instances of the specified value removed
function removeValueFromArray(byval arrayName, valueToRemove)
	amountFound = 0 'keep track of how many you found so that you know what size to redim array at the end
	for i = 0 to ubound(arrayName)
		if arrayName(i) = valueToRemove then
			amountFound = amountFound + 1
			for j = i to (ubound(arrayName) - 1) 'shift array values left over value to remove
				arrayName(j) = arrayName(j + 1)
			'if the next element was equal to valueToRemove you have to go back and get rid of it too
			if arrayName(i) = valueToRemove then
				i = i - 1
			end if
		end if
	redim preserve arrayName(ubound(arrayName) - amountFound)
	removeValueFromArray = arrayName
end function

Revision: 18277
at September 25, 2009 14:11 by jlvallelonga

Initial Code
'This function returns the array with all instances of the specified value removed
	function removeValueFromArray(byval arrayName, valueToRemove)
		amountFound = 0 'keep track of how many you found so that you know what size to redim array at the end
		for i = 0 to ubound(arrayName)
			if arrayName(i) = valueToRemove then
				amountFound = amountFound + 1
				for j = i to (ubound(arrayName) - 1) 'shift array values left over value to remove
					arrayName(j) = arrayName(j + 1)
				'if the next element was equal to valueToRemove you have to go back and get rid of it too
				if arrayName(i) = valueToRemove then
					i = i - 1
				end if
			end if
		redim preserve arrayName(ubound(arrayName) - amountFound)
		removeValueFromArray = arrayName
	end function

Initial URL

Initial Description
This function returns the array with all instances of the specified value removed

Initial Title
remove value from array

Initial Tags

Initial Language