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Revision: 17468
at September 6, 2009 14:14 by rupakdhiman

Initial Code
       //Storing a long string in a variable.
       $string = "It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.";

       //Display the string in it's original format.
       echo $string;

       //Get the lenght of the string.
       $str_length = strlen($string);       
       echo "<br/>";
       //Method to chunk and replace a long string with some characters if you have space issues.
       if($str_length > 25)
           //displayig the replaced string.
           echo substr($string, 0, 25) . "..." . "<br/>";//Replacing the string with Dots.
           echo substr($string, 0, 25) . "***" . "<br/>";//Replacing the string with Asteriks.
           echo substr($string, 0, 25) . ">>>" . "<br/>";//Replacing the string with Angular Brackets.

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Replacing a long string with special characters like dots.

Initial Tags

Initial Language