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Revision: 17402
at September 3, 2009 06:57 by cherrywaves

Initial Code
$$('a[href^=http]').each(function(a) {
    if (window.location.hostname) {
        var hostname = window.location.hostname.replace("www.", "").toLowerCase();
        if (!a.get('href').contains(hostname)) {
                'target': '_blank'

Initial URL

Initial Description
W3C no longer include the target attribute of the <a> tag in HTML 4.0 Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict document types . To make links open new windows we will have to use Javascript, and with mootools it make this task very easy. Just add this snippet to the bottom of your html document and it will look for all external links on your page and add the target attribute to each of the links.

Initial Title
XHTML valid external links with mootools

Initial Tags

Initial Language