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Revision: 16308
at July 30, 2009 15:35 by carriegates

Initial Code
a[href*=""]:after {
content: ""

 a[href$=".pdf"]:after {
content: " " url("../images/icons/acrobat/acrobat-16.png");

a.external:after {
	content: " " url("../images/misc/external_link.png");

a[href^="mailto"]:after {
	content: " " url("../images/milky_icons/16/74-2.png");

Initial URL

Initial Description
Doesn't work in IE6, so use this to enhance sites rather than use thenm for required information.  Very handy for adding a PDF icon behind a link.  Make icons very small (16px x 16px) and with transparent space on left and top to make it look more aligned with the text.

Initial Title
Automatic icons after specified link type

Initial Tags
css, link

Initial Language