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Revision: 16230
at July 29, 2009 11:29 by laurenceosx

Initial Code
def GetPath(p):
    def GetHs(itr): return itr.headString().strip().split('\n')[0].strip()
    def GetBs(itr): return itr.bodyString().strip().split('\n')[0].strip()    

    lst = []     
    itr   = p.copy()
    level = p.copy().level()
    while level >= 0:

        hs = GetHs(itr)
        bs = GetBs(itr)          
        if hs.startswith('@path'):
            ThePath = bs
            lst.append( ThePath )        
            if level > 0:
                for p in itr.siblings_iter():
                    hs = GetHs(p)
                    bs = GetBs(p)          
                    if hs.startswith('@path'):
                        ThePath = bs
                        lst.append( ThePath )

        itr = itr.parent()
        level = level -1

    s = '\\'.join( lst )
    return s

# Iterate and fix

start = p.copy()
current = p.copy()

for p in current.self_and_subtree_iter():
    hs = p.headString().strip()
    if hs.startswith('@path'):
        sPath = GetPath(p)    
        NewHeadString = '@path ' + sPath
        if hs <> NewHeadString:
            print 'NewPath->', NewHeadString
            c.setHeadString(p, NewHeadString)
            print 'PathCheck', hs

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Python Leo - Fix Path Nodes Top Down

Initial Tags

Initial Language