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Revision: 15328
at July 1, 2009 03:06 by phalkunz

Initial Code
 Author: Saophalkun Ponlu (
 Contact: [email protected]
 Date: May 23, 2009
 Modified: June 15, 2009
import sys
import re
import os
import subprocess

def getCommandParameters():
	parameters = ''
	for i in range(1, sys.argv.__len__()):
		parameters += sys.argv[i] + " "
	return parameters

def matchStatusColorAndPrint(line): 
	statusColors = {
		"M": "31",		# red 
		"\?": "32", 	# green
		"A": "32", 		# green
		"C": "30;41",	# black on red
		"-": "31",	
		"\+": "32",
	for color in statusColors:
		match = re.match(color, line)
		if match:	
			os.popen("echo '\E[" + statusColors[color] + "m" + line + "\E[m'", 'w')
			return True
	os.popen("echo \"" + line + "\"", 'w')
def escapeSpecialChars(line):
	return line.replace('$', '\$')

if __name__ == "__main__":
	parameters = getCommandParameters();
	output = subprocess.Popen('svn ' + parameters, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE);
	while True:
		line = output.stdout.readline()
		if not line: 
		escapedLine = escapeSpecialChars(line.strip())

Initial URL

Initial Description
Improved version of

Initial Title
Color coded SVN status (v.2)

Initial Tags

Initial Language