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Revision: 15104
at October 11, 2011 19:14 by brownrl

Updated Code

// Function: Insert From Vals
// Take an associative array and build an insert statement
// $table -> the table you want to fill
// $prefix -> the prefix of the fields ( ie, auto_color -> 'auto_' )
// $vals -> the array to insert, default _POST
// Please note that this will work with normal database naming and not with 
// special names with spaces and accents and odd stuff
function insertFromVals( $table , $prefix , $vals = null )
	$fields = array();
	$vallues = array();

	if( is_null( $vals ) )
		$vals = $_POST;
	foreach( $vals as $k => $v )
		if( preg_match( "/^".$prefix."/" , $k ) )
			$fields[] = mysql_escape_string( $k );
			$values[] = mysql_escape_string( $v );
	$fields = join( "," , $fields );
	$values = "'" . join(  "', '" , $values ) ."'";

	$q = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$fields.") VALUES (".$values.")";
	return $q;

/// testing code here:
/// probably not what you want to copy
/// illustrative purposes only

$test['user_name'] = "Doe";
$test['user_fname'] = "John";
$test['user_birthday'] = "1977-12-16 00:00:00";
$test['user_favorite_color'] = "orange";
$test['user_attempted_injection'] = "a string with a \"'\" can be dangerous in a db statement";

$q = insertFromVals( "users" , "user_" , $test );

echo $q;


Revision: 15103
at June 27, 2011 19:20 by brownrl

Updated Code

// Function: Insert From Vals
// Take an associative array and build an insert statement
// $table -> the table you want to fill
// $prefix -> the prefix of the fields ( ie, auto_color -> 'auto_' )
// $vals -> the array to insert, default _POST
// Please note that this will work with normal database naming and not with 
// special names with spaces and accents and odd stuff
function insertFromVals( $table , $prefix , $vals = null )
	$fields = array();
	$vallues = array();

	if( is_null( $vals ) )
		$vals = $_POST;
	foreach( $vals as $k => $v )
		if( ereg( "^".$prefix , $k ) )
			$fields[] = mysql_escape_string( $k );
			$values[] = mysql_escape_string( $v );
	$fields = join( "," , $fields );
	$values = "'" . join(  "', '" , $values ) ."'";

	$q = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$fields.") VALUES (".$values.")";
	return $q;

/// testing code here:
/// probably not what you want to copy
/// illustrative purposes only

$test['user_name'] = "Doe";
$test['user_fname'] = "John";
$test['user_birthday'] = "1977-12-16 00:00:00";
$test['user_favorite_color'] = "orange";
$test['user_attempted_injection'] = "a string with a \"'\" can be dangerous in a db statement";

$q = insertFromVals( "users" , "user_" , $test );

echo $q;


Revision: 15102
at June 27, 2011 19:12 by brownrl

Updated Code

// Function: Insert From Vals
// Take an associative array and build an insert statement
// $table -> the table you want to fill
// $prefix -> the prefix of the fields ( ie, auto_color -> 'auto_' )
// $vals -> the array to insert, default _POST
// Please note that this will work with normal database naming and not with 
// special names with spaces and accents and odd stuff
function insertFromVals( $table , $prefix , $vals = null )
	$fields = array();
	$vallues = array();

	if( is_null( $vals ) )
		$vals = $_POST;
	foreach( $vals as $k => $v )
		if( ereg( "^".$prefix , $k ) )
			$fields[] = mysql_escape_string( $k );
			$values[] = mysql_escape_string( $v );
	$fields = join( "," , $fields );
	$values = "'" . join(  "', '" , $values ) ."'";

	$q = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$fields.") VALUES (".$values.")";
	return $q;

$test['user_name'] = "Doe";
$test['user_fname'] = "John";
$test['user_birthday'] = "1977-12-16 00:00:00";
$test['user_favorite_color'] = "orange";
$test['user_attempted_injection'] = "a string with a \"'\" can be dangerous in a db statement";

$q = insertFromVals( "users" , "user_" , $test );

echo $q;


Revision: 15101
at June 25, 2009 06:20 by brownrl

Updated Code
// function InsertFromPost
// Take the post data and put it into a database
// $table -> the table you want to fill
// $prefix -> the prefix of the fields ( ie, auto_color -> 'auto_' )

function insertFromPost( $table , $prefix )
	foreach( $_POST as $k => $v )
		if( ereg( "^".$prefix , $k ) )
			$fields .= mysql_escape_string( $k ) . ", ";
			$values .= "'" . mysql_escape_string( $v ) . "', ";
	$fields = ereg_replace( ", $" , "" , $fields );
	$values = ereg_replace( ", $" , "" , $values );

	$q = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$fields.") VALUES (".$values.")";
	$qr = dbquery( $q );

	return $qr;

Revision: 15100
at June 25, 2009 05:51 by brownrl

Updated Code
// function InsertFromPost
// Take the post data and put it into a database
// $table -> the table you want to fill
// $prefix -> the prefix of the fields ( ie, auto_color -> 'auto_' )

function insertFromPost( $table , $prefix )
	foreach( $_POST as $k => $v )
		if( ereg( "^".$prefix , $k ) )
			$fields .= mysql_escape_string( $k ) . ", ";
			$values .= "'" . mysql_escape_string( $v ) . "', ";
	$fields = ereg_replace( ", $" , "" , $fields );
	$values = ereg_replace( ", $" , "" , $values );

	$q = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$fields.") VALUES (".$values.")";
	$qr = dbquery( $q );
	return true;

Revision: 15099
at June 24, 2009 06:58 by brownrl

Initial Code
// function InsertFromPost
// Take the post data and put it into a database
// $table -> the table you want to fill
// $prefix -> the prefix of the fields ( ie, auto_color -> 'auto_' )

function insertFromPost( $table , $prefix )
	foreach( $_POST as $k => $v )
		if( ereg( "^".$prefix , $k ) )
			$fields .= $k . ", ";
			$values .= "'" . mysql_escape_string( $v ) . "', ";
	$fields = ereg_replace( ", $" , "" , $fields );
	$values = ereg_replace( ", $" , "" , $values );

	$q = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$fields.") VALUES (".$values.")";
	$qr = dbquery( $q );
	return true;

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is a long over due update to my db insert building function. Please not that the function is the important part the code below is just prove that it works... l:-)

Initial Title
PHP InsertFromVals

Initial Tags
form, database

Initial Language