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Revision: 15049
at June 22, 2009 12:23 by chrisjlee

Initial Code
.clearfix:after, .section:after, .page:after{content:"."; display:block; clear:both; visibility:hidden; line-height:0; height:0} .clearfix, .section, .page{display:inline-block} html[xmlns] .clearfix, html[xmlns] .section, html[xmlns] .page{display:block} * html .clearfix, * html .section, * html .page{height:1%}

.section { width: 100% }
.page { /* DEFINE WIDTH */

Initial URL

Initial Description
Clearfix with 2 different classes: page, section

Section: takes up a whole row (much like TR); 
Page: is the container for each section

Initial Title
Clearfix with different layout classes

Initial Tags
css, layout

Initial Language