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Revision: 14538
at June 6, 2009 06:07 by stiobhart

Initial Code
// this should be the first bit of code at the top of your
// actionscript for interactive video code.  this stuff needs to
// loaded and be ready for action before anything else
// import the necessary actionscript code for dealing
// with metadata embedded in video [ie. cuepoints]
// import the necessary actionscript code for dealing
// with metadata embedded in video [ie. cuepoints]

Initial URL

Initial Description
this code loads in the necessary actionscript classes for dealing with FLV [flash video] and metadata [in this case cuepoints].  this needs to be loaded right at the beginning of your code, so flash knows how to handle cuepoints embedded in FLV [flash video] files.

Initial Title
import necessary  actionscript to work with FLV  & metadata [ie. cuepoints]

Initial Tags
actionscript, flash, video

Initial Language
ActionScript 3