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Revision: 13842
at September 29, 2009 15:16 by jimfred

Updated Code
CString sThisDir; // in atlstr.h

::GetModuleFileName( // In WinBase.h.
   0, // retrieve path of .exe file for the current process.

sThisDir.Truncate( sThisDir.ReverseFind('\\') + 1 ); // Chop off the app.exe portion.

// Alternative to create a myApp.ini file name:

CString thisExe; // in atlstr.h

::GetModuleFileName( // In WinBase.h.
   0, // retrieve path of .exe file for the current process.

thisExe.Truncate( thisExe.ReverseFind('.') ); // Chop off the .exe.

CString iniFile = thisExe;
iniFile.Append( ".ini" ); // Replace .exe with .ini. 
// I didn't use CString::Replace because there could be multiple embedded ".exe" in the path.
// I found that Vista wanted to store INIs in the Windows directory rather than the CWD.

Revision: 13841
at May 7, 2009 15:35 by jimfred

Initial Code
CString sThisDir; // in atlstr.h

::GetModuleFileName( // In WinBase.h.
   0, // retrieve path of .exe file for the current process.

sThisDir.Truncate( sThisDir.ReverseFind('\\') + 1 ); // Chop off the .exe name.

Initial URL

Initial Description
Determine directory where the .exe is running from. Usually it's CWD - but not always, such as MsiExec Custom Actions.

Windows., with or without MFC.

Initial Title
Get my exe's directory. WinBase API

Initial Tags

Initial Language