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Revision: 70529
at March 30, 2016 01:53 by a1ias

Initial Code
function summarise( $input, $break = " ", $end_text = "...", $limit = 255, $tidy_html = 1, $strip_html = 0 ) {
               if ( strlen( $input ) >= $limit ) {
                       $breakpoint = strpos( $input, $break, $limit );
                       $input = substr( $input, 0, $breakpoint ) . $end_text;
               if ( $tidy_html == 1 ) {
                       ob_start(  );
                       $tidy = new tidy;
                       $config = array( 'indent' => true, 'output-xhtml' => true, 'wrap' => 200, 'clean' => true, 'show-body-only' => true );
                       $tidy->parseString( $input, $config, 'utf8' );
                       $tidy->cleanRepair(  );
                       $input = $tidy;
               if ( $strip_html == 1 ) {
                       $input = strip_tags( $input );
               return $input;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Shorten text while preserving the HTML tags. Useful for news and articles preview.

Initial Title
Shorten HTML text

Initial Tags

Initial Language