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Revision: 70405
at February 6, 2016 03:10 by skinnymoore

Initial Code
if (typeof (EASI) == "undefined")
{ EASI = {}; }
EASI._construct = function () {
    //filter subgrid and refresh function
    this.FilterSubgridandRefresh = function (subgridname, stringArrayOfCondtionsToAdd, removeExistingConditionsBool) {
        try {
            window.setTimeout(function () {

                var subgrid = document.getElementById(subgridname);

                if (subgrid == undefined || subgrid == null) 
                    throw "EASI SubGridFetchBuilder...subgrid not [email protected]";

                var oldFetch = $("#" + subgridname).find("#effectiveFetchXml").attr("value");
                if (oldFetch == undefined) {
                    //we have to refresh the grid now because it was in a tab that was collapsed so it hasn't run yet
                    //re-run this operation
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        EASI.FilterSubgridandRefresh(subgridname, stringArrayOfCondtionsToAdd, removeExistingConditionsBool);
                    }, 1000);
                else {
                    var html_fetch = $("<div>" + oldFetch + "</div>");
                    if (removeExistingConditionsBool)//remove the existing conditions
                    for (var i in stringArrayOfCondtionsToAdd) {
                        var cond = $(stringArrayOfCondtionsToAdd[i]);
                    var newFetch = html_fetch.html();
                    subgrid.control.SetParameter("fetchXml", newFetch);
            }, 1000);
        catch (err) {
            alert("Error in subgrid refresh\r\n" + err.message);

    //get crm field value function
    this.GetFieldValue = function (fieldlogicalname) {
        if (typeof (Xrm) == "undefined")
            Xrm = window.parent.Xrm;
        var atype = Xrm.Page.getControl(fieldlogicalname).getAttribute().getAttributeType();

        if (atype == this.CRM.type_optionset) {
            return this.GetPicklistSelectedValue(fieldlogicalname);
        else if (atype == this.CRM.type_lookup) {
            return this.GetLookupId(fieldlogicalname);
        else {
            return Xrm.Page.getControl(fieldlogicalname).getAttribute().getValue();



/*here is an implementation example*/
function filterGrid_Load() {

    var oid = $("#opportunityid").attr("value");
    var configno = EASI.GetFieldValue("easi_configurationno");
    FilterSubGrid_OppDetailSubgrid("DoNotRemove_options_subgrid", oid, configno, 101);
    function FilterSubGrid_OppDetailSubgrid(subgridname, oppid, configno, lineitemtype) {
        try {
            var newcond1 = "<condition attribute=\"easi_configurationno\" operator=\"eq\" value=\"" + configno + "\" />";
            var newcond2 = "<condition attribute=\"opportunityid\" operator=\"eq\" value=\"" + oppid + "\" />";
            var newcond3 = "<condition attribute=\"easi_lineitemtype\" operator=\"eq\" value=\"" + lineitemtype + "\" />";
            var newcond4 = "<condition attribute=\"easi_removeoption\" operator=\"ne\" value=\"" + 1 + "\" />";
            var condArray = new Array(newcond1, newcond2, newcond3, newcond4);
            EASI.FilterSubgridandRefresh(subgridname, condArray, true);
        catch (err) {
            alert("error filtering subgrid: " + err.message);

Initial URL

Initial Description
Filters a dynamics CRM 2011 subgrid...implementation example included at bottom

Initial Title
Dynamics CRM 2011 Filter Subgrid and Refresh

Initial Tags

Initial Language