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Revision: 13399
at April 22, 2009 13:41 by GarthDB

Initial Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FxApplication xmlns="">
			import com.candycoatedsyntax.control.Controller;
			import com.candycoatedsyntax.model.ModelLocator;
			private var model:ModelLocator = ModelLocator.getInstance();
			private var services:Services = new Services();
			private var control:Controller = new Controller();

Initial URL

Initial Description
Cairngorm pretty much just works in Gumbo straight out of the box.  Only hiccup I found was that you can't instantiate the services and controller components using mxml tags.  Just define them once in the main application using ActionScript and you should be good.

Initial Title
Cairngorm in Gumbo

Initial Tags

Initial Language