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Revision: 13360
at April 21, 2009 10:26 by pfeisinger

Initial Code
var i:Number = 20;
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countDown);

var myTextField:TextField = new TextField();
myTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.font = "Verdana";
format.color = "0xFF0000";
format.size = 10;
myTextField.defaultTextFormat = format;

function countDown(evt:TimerEvent)
	trace("new Time: "+i);
	--i == -1 ? myTimer.reset() : myTextField.text = new String(i);


Initial URL

Initial Description
Code generates a Textfield and counts down from 20 to 0.
Just paste code into an empty FLA-File on the first frame.

Initial Title
Backwards Counting Timer

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3