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Revision: 13294
at May 22, 2012 04:00 by ericmorin21

Updated Code
[string]$stringToPad = 1
$padChar = "X"
$paddedLength = 4
$stringToPad = ($padChar * ($paddedLength - $stringToPad.Length)) + $stringToPad

Revision: 13293
at April 17, 2009 17:04 by ericmorin21

Initial Code
$padChar = "X"
$paddedLength = Y
$stringToPad = ($padChar * ($paddedLength - $stringToPad)) + $stringToPad

Initial URL


Initial Description
For clarity, I have broken two variables out, but this could easily be a one-liner.
Replace X with the character you wish to use to pad (e.g. 0 (zero)).
Replace Y with an integer representing the desired TOTAL length of the string.

Initial Title
Left-padding in Powershell

Initial Tags


Initial Language
Windows PowerShell