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Revision: 13260
at May 3, 2009 07:31 by berkes

Updated Code
mysqldump -uroot -p -t -n -c --skip-extended-insert --compact database_name blocks | sort > blocks.sql

Revision: 13259
at April 16, 2009 10:59 by berkes

Initial Code
mysqldump -uroot -p -t -n -c --skip-extended-inser --compact database_name blocks | sort > blocks.sql

Initial URL

Initial Description
A common Drupal problem: how to save e.g. your blocks configuration without dragging an X Gig database around. 

A simple command that dumps a table in a way that it can be inserted into SVN. 
Every row is dumped as a single line, and they are sorted. Minimising the differences.

This example dumps the data for blocks.

Initial Title
Store Drupal blockconfiguration in SVN.

Initial Tags
svn, drupal

Initial Language