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Revision: 12980
at April 2, 2009 16:41 by HubertGaulin

Updated Code
    newURL = $(this).children("td.tdClassName").children("a").attr("href");
    // = newURL;  // Choose one: Open in the same page; // Choose one: Open in a new page
    return false; // Stops the click that is over the link to open 2 different copies of the  same linked page.

Revision: 12979
at April 2, 2009 16:41 by HubertGaulin

Updated Code
    newURL = $(this).children("td.tdClassName").children("a").attr("href");
    // = newURL;  // Choose one: Open in the same page; // Choose one: Open in a new page
    return false; // Stops the click that is over the link to open 2 different copies of the linked page.

Revision: 12978
at April 2, 2009 16:34 by HubertGaulin

Initial Code
		newURL = $(this).children("td.tdClassName").children("a").attr("href");
		// = newURL;  // Open in the same page; // open in a new page
		return false; // Stops the click that is over the link to open 2 different copies of the linked page.

Initial URL

Initial Description
This code was use for openning a pdf file that was in a table cell. This link was the only link/button for each rows. Using this, you can click anywhere on each rows to open it's link page.

Initial Title
Open a link in a cell by clicking anywhere on that cell's row

Initial Tags
table, link

Initial Language