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Revision: 1447
at October 9, 2006 11:11 by sorehead

Updated Code
PHP GET and POST Variables

The following code will easily retrieve all of the GET and POST data for you and load it into appropriately named PHP variables. The same code will also work to get parameters added to the end of URLs via other methods other than using GET with a form. */

$q = explode("&",$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
foreach ($q as $qi)
  if ($qi != "")
    $qa = explode("=",$qi);
    list ($key, $val) = $qa;
    if ($val)
      $$key = urldecode($val);
reset ($_POST);
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_POST))
  if ($val)
    $$key = $val;

Revision: 1446
at October 9, 2006 11:05 by sorehead

Initial Code
PHP GET and POST Variables

The following code will easily retrieve all of the GET and POST data for you and load it into appropriately named PHP variables. The same code will also work to get parameters added to the end of URLs via other methods other than using GET with a form. */

$q = explode("&",$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
foreach ($q as $qi)
  if ($qi != "")
    $qa = explode("=",$qi);
    list ($key, $val) = $qa;
    if ($val)
      $$key = urldecode($val);
reset ($_POST);
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_POST))
  if ($val)
    $$key = $val;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
PHP GET and POST variables

Initial Tags

Initial Language