Revision: 12614
Updated Code
at April 17, 2009 23:15 by kossmoss
Updated Code
function closetags($text){ preg_match_all("#<([a-zA-Z]{1,50})[^>]*>#i",$text,$otags); if(count($otags[1])>0){ $fotags=array(); $fctags=array(); foreach($otags[1] as $otag){ $otag = strtolower($otag); if(isset($fotags[$otag])) $fotags[$otag]++; else $fotags[$otag] = 1; } preg_match_all("#</([a-zA-Z]{1,50})#i",$text,$ctags); foreach($ctags[1] as $ctag){ $ctag = strtolower($ctag); if(isset($fctags[$ctag])) $fctags[$ctag]++; else $fctags[$ctag] = 1; } $rtags = array_reverse($fotags, TRUE); foreach ( $rtags as $tag => $cnt) { $fctags[$tag] = isset($fctags[$tag]) ? $fctags[$tag] : 0; $text .= str_repeat("</".$tag.">",abs($fctags[$tag] - $cnt)); } } $wrong_replace = array( '</br>' => '', '</img>' => '', '</hr>' => '', '</link>' => '', '</meta>' => '' ); $text=strtr($text, $wrong_replace); return $text; }
Revision: 12613
Updated Code
at April 17, 2009 22:31 by kossmoss
Updated Code
function closetags($text){ preg_match_all("#<[^a-zA-Z>/]*([a-zA-Z]{1,50})#i",$text,$otags); if(count($otags[1])>0){ $fotags=array(); $fctags=array(); foreach($otags[1] as $otag){ $otag = strtolower($otag); if(isset($fotags[$otag])) $fotags[$otag]++; else $fotags[$otag] = 1; } preg_match_all("#</([a-zA-Z]{1,50})#i",$text,$ctags); foreach($ctags[1] as $ctag){ $ctag = strtolower($ctag); if(isset($fctags[$ctag])) $fctags[$ctag]++; else $fctags[$ctag] = 1; } foreach ( $fotags as $tag => $cnt) { $fctags[$tag] = isset($fctags[$tag]) ? $fctags[$tag] : 0; $text .= str_repeat("</".$tag.">",abs($fctags[$tag] - $cnt)); } } return $text; }
Revision: 12612
Updated Code
at March 30, 2009 23:34 by kossmoss
Updated Code
function closetags($text){ //last word cutting $text = substr($text, 0, strrpos($text," ")); $text = preg_replace("/<[^>]*$/i", "", $text); //tag closing preg_match_all("/<[^a-zA-Z>\/]*([a-zA-Z]{1,50})/i",$text,$otags); if(count($otags[0])>0){ $fotags=array(); $fctags=array(); preg_match_all("/<[ t]*\/[^a-z]*([a-z]{1,50})/i",$text,$ctags); foreach($otags[1] as $otag){ $otag = strtolower($otag); if(isset($fotags[$otag])) $fotags[$otag]++; else $fotags[$otag] = 1; } foreach($ctags[1] as $ctag){ $ctag = strtolower($ctag); if(isset($fctags[$ctag])) $fctags[$ctag]++; else $fctags[$ctag] = 1; } while(list($tag, $cnt) = each($fotags)){ $fctags[$tag] = isset($fctags[$tag]) ? $fctags[$tag] : 0; $text .= str_repeat("",abs($fctags[$tag] - $cnt)); } } return $text; }
Revision: 12611
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at March 20, 2009 20:59 by kossmoss
Initial Code
function closetags($text){ //обрезка поÑледнего Ñлова $text = substr($text, 0, strrpos($text," ")); $text = preg_replace("/<[^>]*$/i", "", $text); //закрытие тегов preg_match_all("/<[^a-zA-Z>\/]*([a-zA-Z]{1,50})/i",$text,$otags); if(count($otags[0])>0){ $fotags=array(); $fctags=array(); preg_match_all("/<[ t]*\/[^a-z]*([a-z]{1,50})/i",$text,$ctags); foreach($otags[1] as $otag){ $otag = strtolower($otag); if(isset($fotags[$otag])) $fotags[$otag]++; else $fotags[$otag] = 1; } foreach($ctags[1] as $ctag){ $ctag = strtolower($ctag); if(isset($fctags[$ctag])) $fctags[$ctag]++; else $fctags[$ctag] = 1; } while(list($tag, $cnt) = each($fotags)){ $fctags[$tag] = isset($fctags[$tag]) ? $fctags[$tag] : 0; $text .= str_repeat("",abs($fctags[$tag] - $cnt)); } } return $text; }
Initial URL
Initial Description
closes opened tags in text piece. original code slightly modified to supress PHP warnings NOTE: need to fix the order of closing tags to get standards compliance
Initial Title
Tag closing for HTML text pieces
Initial Tags
html, text, function
Initial Language