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Revision: 12463
at March 16, 2009 08:58 by jpdamen

Initial Code
lib.header_image = CONTENT
lib.header_image {
    table = tt_content
    select {
        // Page where I have my two content elements [sequence of elements is 
        pidInList = 76
        where = (tt_content.colPos=0)
        orderBy = sorting
        languageField = sys_language_uid
        renderObj = IMAGE
        renderObj.file = GIFBUILDER
        renderObj.file {
            XY = 350,64
            backColor = #01009A

            // Organisation Logo 
            5 = IMAGE
            5.file = fileadmin/images/gradient.jpg
            // HEADER text of first content element
            10 = TEXTa
            10.text.field = header
            10.text.wrap = |
            10.fontSize = 18
            10.fontColor = white
            10.fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/ARIALN.TTF 
            10.align = left
            10.offset = 50,30
            10.niceText = 1
            10.maxWidth = 350
            // HEADER text of second content element
            30 < .10      
            30 = TEXT
            30.text.field = header
            30.text.wrap = |
            30.fontSize = 12
            30.offset = 50,40

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
image from text with gifbuilder

Initial Tags
image, textmate, text

Initial Language