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Revision: 12100
at March 2, 2009 13:57 by johnloy

Initial Code
	* Publisher Host (c) Creative Commons 2006
	* Author: Dustin Diaz |
	* Reference:
	* @Class: Publisher
		* Requires:
			* Array.prototype.forEach
			* Array.prototype.some
			* See Sugar Arrays at: 
	* Constructor: The almighty holder of its subscribers

/* Minified */
function Publisher(){this.subscribers=[];}Publisher.prototype.deliver=function(data,thisObj){var scope=thisObj||window;this.subscribers.forEach(function(el){,data);});};Function.prototype.subscribe=function(publisher){var that=this;var alreadyExists=publisher.subscribers.some(function(el){if(el===that){return;}});if(!alreadyExists){publisher.subscribers.push(this);}return this;};Function.prototype.unsubscribe=function(publisher){var that=this;publisher.subscribers=publisher.subscribers.filter(function(el){if(el!==that){return el;}});return this;};

/* Full */
function Publisher() {
	this.subscribers = [];
	* @desc: deliver | the delivery method
	* @param: data | The data you want to send to your subscribers
	* @param: thisObj | The scope you want to execute your callbacks
Publisher.prototype.deliver = function(data, thisObj) {
	var scope = thisObj || window;
		function(el) {, data);
	* @desc: subscribe | Gives all function objects 
	* the ability to subscribe to a Publisher Object
	* @param: publisher | The Publisher Object you wish to subscribe to
Function.prototype.subscribe = function(publisher) {
	var that = this;
	var alreadyExists = publisher.subscribers.some(
		function(el) {
			if ( el === that ) {
	if ( !alreadyExists ) {
	return this;
	* @desc: unsubscribe | Gives all function objects 
	* the ability to "unsubscribe" to a Publisher Object
	* @param: publisher | The Publisher Object you wish to unsubscribe to
Function.prototype.unsubscribe = function(publisher) {
	var that = this;
	publisher.subscribers = publisher.subscribers.filter(
		function(el) {
			if ( el !== that ) {
				return el;
	return this;

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Dustin Diaz's Publisher class to achieve a publisher-subscriber pattern in javascript

Initial Tags
javascript, textmate

Initial Language