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Revision: 12033
at February 28, 2009 00:26 by Valdemarick

Initial Code
def rot(s, n=13):
    r = ""
    for c in s:
        cc = c
        if cc.isalpha():
            cc = cc.lower()
            o = ord(cc)
            ro = (o+n) % 122
            if ro == 0: ro = 122
            if ro < 97: ro += 96
            cc = chr(ro)
        r = ''.join((r,cc))
    return r

Initial URL

Initial Description
This function takes 2 arguments, first is the string to be encoded (or decoded) the second is optional and can be used to change the rotation amount to something other than 13.

Initial Title
Flexible Rot13 Function

Initial Tags

Initial Language