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Revision: 12026
at February 27, 2009 15:21 by Bluewall

Initial Code
<script language=javascript><!--
   var email = "kermitthefrog";
   var emailHost = "";
   document.write(email + '@' + emailHost);

If JavaScript is not working, the visitor will see nothing, though. This
will take care of that:

<span id="kermit-email">kermitthefrog -at- gmail -dot- com</span>
<script language=javascript><!--
   var email = "kermitthefrog";
   var emailHost = "";
   document.getElementById('kermit-email').innerHTML = email + '@' +

Initial URL

Initial Description
This script stores the elements of the email address as JavaScript
variables and assembles them on the fly every time the page loads.  The
page rendered looks the same to users, but the address never actually lives
in the page source code.  It can be inserted inline.

Initial Title
Obscure Email Script

Initial Tags

Initial Language