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Revision: 11477
at February 6, 2009 11:31 by BlueCockatoo

Initial Code
Sub ExportToTextFiles()
Dim FirstRow As Integer, LastRow As Integer, MyFileName As String, MyRow As Integer, MyStr As String

' change these values to the start row and end row for your notes.
' if you have to use a range you'll need a double loop below
FirstRow = 1
LastRow = 4

For MyRow = FirstRow To LastRow
    MyFileName = "C:\formtest" & Str(MyRow) & ".txt"
    If DoesFileExist(MyFileName) = 0 Then
     Open MyFileName For Output As #1 ' create a new file and record if file does not exist
     Open MyFileName For Append As #1 ' append a record if file does already exist
    End If
     ' loop through each row of the table
     MyStr = Cells(MyRow, 1).Value
    Print #1, MyStr
    Close #1

MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Function DoesFileExist(FileName As String) As Byte
' returns 1 if FileName exists, otherwise 0
If Dir(FileName, vbNormal) <> "" Then
 DoesFileExist = 1
 DoesFileExist = 0
End If
End Function

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is modified from code found here: and here:

Initial Title
Exporting Excel cells as individual text files

Initial Tags

Initial Language