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Revision: 10985
at June 9, 2009 17:44 by kfaulk1

Updated Code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

##Simplified example of using Getopt:Long moudule with an Options hash

use Getopt::Long;
use strict;

my %Opt=();

(GetOptions( \%Opt, 
)) || die "ERROR: Illegal arguments or parameters: @ARGV\n" unless ($#ARGV < 0);

## Or as OO
#my $parser = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
#if ($parser->getoptions(\%Opt, 
#			"h|help",
#			"s|string=s",
#			"l|list=s@",
#			"i|int=i", 
# 			"f|float=f",
# 			"o|octal=o",
#)) {};
## Just print out the options for each collected to see what there is:
foreach my $key (keys %Opt) {
		print "$key is $Opt{$key}\n";

Revision: 10984
at January 20, 2009 17:13 by kfaulk1

Initial Code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

##Simplified example of using Getopt:Long moudule with an Options hash

use Getopt::Long;

(GetOptions( \%Opt, 
)) || die "ERROR: Illegal arguments or parameters: @ARGV\n" unless ($#ARGV < 0);

## Or as OO
#my $parser = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
#if ($parser->getoptions(\%Opt, 
#			"h|help",
#			"s|string=s",
#			"l|list=s@",
#			"i|int=i", 
# 			"f|float=f",
# 			"o|octal=o",
#)) {};
## Just print out the options for each collected to see what there is:
foreach my $key (keys %Opt) {
		print "$key is $Opt{$key}\n";

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is a simplified example for cut and paste use for command line parsing arguments with the use of an options hash

Initial Title
Using Getopt::Long for Command Line Parsing in Perl

Initial Tags
command, line

Initial Language