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Revision: 10840
at January 15, 2009 14:16 by chombee

Updated Code
def format_date_numerical(date):
    """Take a date or datetime object and return a string of the form 
    return date.strftime("%Y_%m_%d")

def format_date_pretty(date):
    """Take a date or datetime object and return a string of the form 
    Thursday 15 January 2009."""
    return date.strftime("%A %d %B %Y")

Revision: 10839
at January 15, 2009 14:16 by chombee

Updated Code
def format_date_numerical(date):
    """Take a date or datetime or time object and return a string of the form 
    return date.strftime("%Y_%m_%d")

def format_date_pretty(date):
    """Take a date or datetime object and return a string of the form 
    Thursday 15 January 2009."""
    return date.strftime("%A %d %B %Y")

Revision: 10838
at January 15, 2009 14:15 by chombee

Initial Code
def format_date_numerical(date):
    """Take a datetime object and return a string of the form YYYY_MM_DD."""
    return date.strftime("%Y_%m_%d")

def format_date_pretty(date):
    """Take a datetime object and return a string of the form Thirsday 15 January 
    return date.strftime("%A %d %B %Y")

Initial URL

Initial Description
[date](, [datetime]( and [time]( objects in Python have a [strftime]( method for creating string representations in whatever format you want. (See the strftime link for the strftime syntax.)

Initial Title
Formatting date strings in Python

Initial Tags

Initial Language