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Revision: 1125
at September 12, 2006 22:50 by mauilion

Initial Code

require LWP::UserAgent;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

my $response = $ua->get(''.time);

open (current,">/home/dcooley/.fluxbox/backgrounds/current.png") || die ("Could not open file\n");

if ($response->is_success) {
        print current ($response->content);
} else {
        die $response->status_line;

close current;

exec '/usr/bin/fbsetbg /home/dcooley/.fluxbox/backgrounds/current.png';

Initial URL

Initial Description
this is a perl scrip that downloads the most recent on demand image and sets the background to it. I know that exec is insecure but I figure it's secure enough inside the box.

Initial Title
desktopearth on linux script

Initial Tags

Initial Language