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Bei Autocomplete aus größeren Datenbanken ist es sinnvoll, die Datenbankabfrage in eine separate php-Datei zu verlegen.
0 930 posted 9 years ago by ulfinger
codeigniter autocomplete
0 939 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 932 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 921 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 909 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
how to get php pagerank checker script, simple class.
2 905 posted 9 years ago by codingforever99
Getting alexa rank is simple, a data link provide by alexa only needs the domain name and then it return xml data including the rank we want, so I make a php function to do this task.
0 956 posted 9 years ago by codingforever99
This method will use the request)uri to create breadcrumbs add this where you what crumb to show up echo breadcrumbs();
0 750 posted 9 years ago by blantonious
If you want to enable GII in your live server in YII you can do by following small steps.
0 730 posted 9 years ago by adesara_jaydeep
Aus dem in der Datenbank gespeicherten Rechnungsdatum soll das Datum des Zahlungsziels errechnet werden. Das Datum muss im englischen Format vorliegen.
0 631 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
Statt mit .htaccess kann eine 301-Weiterleitung auch über php erfolgen
0 941 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
Sollen bei den Eingabefeldern in we:userinput automatisch das aktuelle Datum angezeigt werden ist es notwendig, den WE-Tag userinput als HTML-Formular zu schreiben. Wichtig ist dabei, dass die feldnamen nicht verändert werden, damit die Eingabe durc...
0 885 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
WE-Objekte ohne Umwege direkt aus php erstellen. Das ist vor allem dann sinnvoll, denn die Eingaben vorher geprüft und verarbeitet werden sollen oder wenn ein Eingabeformular über mehrere Seiten geht.
0 872 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
Einfache PHP-Auswertung auf ausgefüllte Pflichtfelder und korrekte Email. Nachricht geht an Empfänger, Bestätigungsmail geht an Absender.
0 879 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
This post having the list of top 50 cakephp interview questions and answers
0 1145 posted 10 years ago by kp32
How to post a notification to Facebook's Graph API.
0 976 posted 10 years ago by MaRmAR
This snippet will explain you how to generate and integrate the captcha in PHP.
1 703 posted 10 years ago by kp32
Hey guys how is everything going I am currently working on my own content management system and decided I would release a little pre-installation checklist script that makes sure you have all the required functions enabled on your hosting environment...
0 827 posted 10 years ago by bcherdak
CakePHP - Acesso a Dois Bancos de Dados
0 837 posted 10 years ago by temistoclesarea
Add an image to the email, must be linked not embedded ie in thunderbird mail moz-do-not-send attribute must be set true. any requests for this gif image will be redirected through display which will log the request and serve up the stored t.gif i...
0 986 posted 10 years ago by stiva71
This is a class to encapsulate rabbit mq sending and receiving.
0 780 posted 10 years ago by ryantxr
Sometimes you may need to change image properties 'on-the-fly'. The best example is when you want to display blog post short description, retrieve the first image and try to turn it into the thumbnail: change some properties and add a special class n...
0 934 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
This simple code demonstrates how to change automatically site language, according to the visitor's country. If you implement this script in your site it will open the page in the language of your visitor.
0 1171 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
use anonymous function that returns parameter passed to it to evaluate functions, constants, and expressions in HEREDOC
0 1066 posted 10 years ago by Queue
Validate the credit card number and cvv code
0 2398 posted 10 years ago by satinfo30
Code is meant to show the real ip address, in case if user is using a proxy. Most of the time $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] do not work correctly due to the proxy setting of user. It's a nice solution.
0 936 posted 10 years ago by KhanOf21Century
The following code sample shows how developers can replace multiple texts in a single API call in a PDF file using Aspose.Pdf for Cloud API in their applications. Developers can use Aspose REST API with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Pyt...
0 1756 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
The following code sample shows how developers can replace multiple texts in a single API call in a PDF file using Aspose.Pdf for Cloud API in their applications. Developers can use Aspose REST API with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Pyt...
0 1276 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
Additional option for Wordpress post (year in this case). You can get it's content in template file by: `<?php>ID, 'year', true ); ?>`
1 670 posted 10 years ago by fedek6
Aspose.PDF for Cloud API has released PHP SDK which allows PHP developers to convert PDF files uploaded to a remote server to other formats. You can pass URL and format parameters to specify the PDF’s URL and output format and use the PUT method of...
0 2312 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine