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Sollen bei den Eingabefeldern in we:userinput automatisch das aktuelle Datum angezeigt werden ist es notwendig, den WE-Tag userinput als HTML-Formular zu schreiben. Wichtig ist dabei, dass die feldnamen nicht verändert werden, damit die Eingabe durc...
0 825 posted 9 years ago by ulfinger
0 901 posted 11 years ago by ecksteing
Php conditionals to echo proper audio tags
0 911 posted 12 years ago by poot26
This is the header.php file from Soul Care Aesthetics - complete with CSS and social icons spaces
0 785 posted 12 years ago by guitarman2uk
Hello, Here is snippet to show wordpress posted date using html5 time tag.
0 580 posted 13 years ago by idragons
0 657 posted 13 years ago by r2cgroup
2 578 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
1 571 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
PHP: The Basics - Manual
1 689 posted 15 years ago by dvdrtrgn
Drupal snippet: outputs all theming variables of a content type or page. Add to template.php the following function: function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars) { return array('vars_data' => $vars); } then add the snippet to the relativ...
5 803 posted 16 years ago by marcoba
1 871 posted 17 years ago by llbbl
1 776 posted 17 years ago by markhope
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