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Everyone's Recent HTML Snippets Tagged javascript

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First noscript tag redirects the user to the page telling them to allow scripts. Second section is an example page of one which will go to the default page if scripts are allowed, or to give them a message otherwise.
1 660 posted 15 years ago by Anthony
Flash sucks, embedding it sucks more, find out how to make it not suck.
2 927 posted 16 years ago by neal_grosskopf
0 522 posted 16 years ago by tetotemoza
4 586 posted 16 years ago by tetotemoza
1 651 posted 16 years ago by skatan
1 676 posted 16 years ago by wintondeshong
0 557 posted 16 years ago by wintondeshong
3 724 posted 17 years ago by Hirmine
swfObject in XHTML doc structure.
1 721 posted 17 years ago by horizens
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