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delete Operator don’t impact the length of Array in JavaScript
1 985 posted 9 years ago by ursdeep
The key to making it work is the event listener that get added using the DOM method that binds it to the mousemove event and declares the event handler. Most event can be bound to a handler this way.
0 875 posted 9 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
Get your screen resolution use JavaScript
0 669 posted 9 years ago by BebenKoben
This is a simple way to make custom checkboxes in jQuery.
0 830 posted 9 years ago by del4y
The new updated introduced auto scrolling to highlighted elements, possibility to hide 'next' and 'skip' buttons, add html markup in description, and more.
0 1266 posted 9 years ago by lanagio
0 1242 posted 9 years ago by chrisaiv
This step-by-step tutorial describes how to build an HTML5-based mobile web app by means of Webix library (open source, GPL) and PhoneGap framework. As a result you’ll get an awesome native app for Android devices with rich UI and high performance.
0 1170 posted 9 years ago by kengajunior
To check if an “enter” key is pressed inside a textbox, just bind the keypress() to the textbox.
0 1105 posted 9 years ago by luhonghai
To detect copy, paste and cut behavior, you just need to bind the corresponding event type.
0 1486 posted 9 years ago by luhonghai
To check if jQuery library is loaded, use the following JavaScript code
0 1007 posted 9 years ago by luhonghai
JQuery is really a powerful and handy JavaScript library. The page or content loading effect is very easy to implement in jQuery. Here’s a example to make your web page content display a fade in page loading effect
0 909 posted 9 years ago by luhonghai
Bei dieser Variante lassen sich die Checkboxen nur einmal aktivieren/deaktivieren. Bei weiteren Versuchen wird zwar im Quelltext altiviert/deaktiviert, es ist aber auf der Seite nicht zu sehen.
0 838 posted 9 years ago by ulfinger
The purpose of this hook method is to help provide a separation of concerns between CSS and JavaScript. Typically class names are used to attach JavaScript to HTML elements. Using a separate data-hook attribute helps to protect the scripting from...
0 837 posted 9 years ago by pmw57
Bei Autocomplete aus größeren Datenbanken ist es sinnvoll, die Datenbankabfrage in eine separate php-Datei zu verlegen.
0 863 posted 9 years ago by ulfinger
With publicly available information and a little math it is possible to not only validate a given card number, but to determine the financial institution that issued the card, the type of industry the issuer belongs to, the actual account number and...
0 1144 posted 9 years ago by geneticcode
0 682 posted 9 years ago by chrisaiv
Vérifie si une checkbox a été cochée
0 1072 posted 9 years ago by Igeco
Méthode n'autorisant que les nombres (positifs/négatifs/décimaux avec virgules ou points) dans un champ
0 922 posted 9 years ago by Igeco
N'autorise que les chiffres (avec , ou . ou négatifs) dans un input
0 844 posted 9 years ago by sebabarre
List of websites I should follow to keep an eye on Javascript development.
0 625 posted 9 years ago by bboydflo
#bxSlider Prevent bxSlider stop auto slides transition, when navigating through slides.
0 815 posted 9 years ago by flexyournoggin
This snippet allows to know the parent function caller name of any level from the calling function.
1 702 posted 9 years ago by zandor
Uses javascript to create a hidden iframe which downloads the file
0 2580 posted 9 years ago by jakob101
A template for a javascript object with a object.create shiv to condense into object prototypes
0 795 posted 10 years ago by rickygri
Populating Table from Inline Json Data in Angular js
0 978 posted 10 years ago by bitsofcodec
This example of code allows you to create a new object in javascript (using simple inheritance) such that the class of the object is defined from a variable. After creating the object you may use it for your purposes.
0 778 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
This script will grab the YouTube video ID using regex so that many different types of YouTube urls. This will also output the id and thumbnail to view.
0 1004 posted 10 years ago by astralis
Prevent users submitting contact form if less than 2 words are entered (JavaScript)
0 801 posted 10 years ago by buda9
Simple functions to add, fetch or delete cookies in the browser via JavaScript.
0 687 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
/* author : MD. MUZAHIDUL ISLAM ([email protected]) * file name : cascade-load.js * This segment of code uses jQuery(jquery-1.7.2.js) that helps to load cascade data from sever. * To use this code, 'div' element should contains a 'select' h...
0 1068 posted 10 years ago by muzahidict