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based on the NappScrollViewExtended module (it is good but couse my app some problem)
0 848 posted 11 years ago by boardmain
Returns the differencia in days between tw dates
0 1069 posted 11 years ago by agarcim
Functions to add, get y remove CSS rules
0 892 posted 11 years ago by agarcim
Con este esquema puedes crear objetos instanciables en Javascript usando jQuery. Su uso es muy simple, sólo debes copiar el siguiente código y cambiar las variables que están en mayúsculas.
0 821 posted 11 years ago by porquero
This is a more precise version of the native setTimeout(). It uses the same parameters as setTimeout, but adds a third parameter "resolution" which defines how often (in ms) to check for the time that passed. // alert after 5 seconds with an i...
2 714 posted 11 years ago by McSodbrenner
Con ese codigo pueden agregar tildes y ñ en los alert o en las funciones de facebook
0 853 posted 11 years ago by serialk89
Sometimes you have some information on your page and your visitors might want to copy it. The easiest way is to provide a mechanism that allows them to simply click a button to do so. You have to paste this code into the head of your web page:
0 1054 posted 12 years ago by apphp-snippets
This script informs your visitor that a given page may be reached only from the page that you specify. Paste this code before the ending <head> tag on the page:
0 1005 posted 12 years ago by apphp-snippets
This will reset the tabindex of all input fields on a form after page load
0 1367 posted 12 years ago by bitsculptor
removes scrollbars and expand to content height.
0 839 posted 12 years ago by bonalepo
Code snippets from the x-editable source code
0 927 posted 12 years ago by steho
The following function loads all browser-cookies into an associative array with the cookie name as the index and the cookie value as the value
0 808 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Javascript which converts a Date object into an ISO 8601 formatted string - 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ' - with a fallback for when the function 'toISOString' doesn't exist (e.g. IE 8 or less). Usage: var now = new Date; console.log(now.toISOStrin...
0 1633 posted 12 years ago by davidwaterston
Browser detection before sending any resources to the client.
0 1230 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
This is a very basic wrapper for querySelectorAll. Just add prototypes and whatever else you need.
1 922 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
With this statement you can reload a page, this will also reset any forms on the page.
1 754 posted 12 years ago by seloh77
A simple template for a JavaScript function which allows for an arbitrary number of named arguments to be passed in. This is achieved by passing a single object as an argument with each of the 'real' arguments being a key/value pair. In this way argu...
0 1445 posted 12 years ago by davidwaterston
Basic information on JavaScript from CodeAcademy.com's JavaScript track
0 843 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
JavaScript is the only option, if you want to have the ability to clear all form fields. Yes, HTML form has Reset method, but if the form has initial values, then Reset will return the form to the initial state instead of clear input fields. This exa...
1 999 posted 12 years ago by laxman2021
The marquee will stop when you hover the cursor over it. It will restart when you move the cursor away from it.
1 943 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
generischer Handler für die Eventausgabe in der Konsole....
0 990 posted 12 years ago by dejot
jsHint happy class template for javascript
1 1051 posted 12 years ago by XtreamIT
Set the desired date within the function. Make some images and label them "1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc...". That's how it's done.
1 987 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
javascript arrays up and down
2 827 posted 12 years ago by kutyadog
Emulates the StringBuilder() function found in .NET Languages
0 672 posted 12 years ago by jswaringen
this is how to instantiate a dropdown shadow using js code, works in IE10 and windows store apps. Important for when you want use templates.
0 1333 posted 12 years ago by Syllogism
Obtener el último video favorito de un usuario de youtube
0 713 posted 12 years ago by alexdw
Simple code example that allows you to pull a time stamp / timestamp to attach to end of URL for GET POST calls
0 1156 posted 12 years ago by kutyadog
Code from https://snipt.net/geekyjohn/get-url-param/ updated so that most jslint issues are resolved, and updated the return to use a guard condition instead of a separate if statement.
1 1291 posted 12 years ago by pmw57
Standard hasClass, addClass, and removeClass functions. - reworked so that jsLint is happy about them - removeClass function trims things after removing a class name - tests help to ensure that all common use-cases are covered
2 1454 posted 12 years ago by pmw57