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Below are several different types of google static maps.
The first is a map with a single marker on the Space Needle.
The second is one with 3 marks, one on the Space Needle, one on the Seattle Science Center, and One on the EMP Museum.
The last...
posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
This is simple but saves time to copy-paste. This example has three columns (.boxcol) within the box. But the columns can be removed for single-column box.
posted 14 years ago by rumremix
Los favicon soporta varios (ignoro si todos) los formatos de imagen siguientes: png (type="image/png"), .gif (type="image/gif"), .ico. (etc.).
Porc cierto, los favicons soportan trasnparencias.
posted 18 years ago by Hirmine
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