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Install GPM using installer such as apt or dnf All you have to do is save code with mouse.c file name and compile it : gcc -o mouse mouse.c -lgpm and you got a "mouse" program that executes l.sh on left, r.sh on right and m.sh on middle mouse...
0 1448 posted 7 years ago by xyzeugene
0 1545 posted 8 years ago by chrisaiv
These are the basic commands to use Mutex Threads in C
0 1187 posted 8 years ago by msicode
Hey Guys, This is a short and straightforward article (or let’s say „tip” or „mini-review”) that presents how to send SMS messages from your own C++ (Cpp / C plus plus) application through HTTP. You will see, it is gonna be really easy....
0 2207 posted 10 years ago by Gupta86
If you are using c++/cli or UnmanagedExports, this is a useful way to share enum int values between c++ and c# code/DLLs without worrying about duplicated code going out of date.
0 1427 posted 10 years ago by xXxPizzaBreakfastxXx
Código final de la asignatura Microprocesadores y Microcontroladores de Tecnun - Universidad de Navarra (España). Curso 2013-2014. 3º Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicación.
0 1382 posted 10 years ago by eiger_824
0 1299 posted 12 years ago by mlecho
This piece of code will read a hex argument such as: ff or ab from your command line and stores it as a integer
0 2611 posted 12 years ago by vdevos
Two versions of binary search -- one recursive, one iterative -- for an array of strings. Both assume that your array index fits within an integer.
0 1089 posted 13 years ago by rtperson
How to make Global Variables (Singleton) in Objective-C
1 1261 posted 13 years ago by neoline
Accessing Method from other Classes Objective-C
1 1125 posted 13 years ago by neoline
How to add multiple Language localization to an App.
1 1129 posted 13 years ago by neoline
Because there is no way to use object extenders in vb.net here is an example of how you can get similar functionality. See the C# example for further info.
0 1116 posted 13 years ago by bryanlyman
0 1017 posted 13 years ago by streamt
0 959 posted 13 years ago by FArcellier
you may not want to use the buggy apt version. just compile it yourself
0 762 posted 13 years ago by abstraktor
0 962 posted 13 years ago by the_coder
The General Hash Functions Library has the following mix of additive and rotative general purpose string hashing algorithms. * RS Hash Function A simple hash function from Robert Sedgwicks Algorithms in C book. I've added some simple optimization...
0 1932 posted 13 years ago by davince
Check that a given integer consists only of elements of a given set. It does a linear search through the set, so the assumption is that the set to search is relatively small. If you're chewing through a particularly large set of digits, you may want...
0 1052 posted 13 years ago by rtperson
.net 3.0+, To create stability in your code, you must check all inputs into a method to make sure they are valid . Often people overlook this step because of laziness, or because they aren't convinced that exceptions and assertions are actually in pl...
0 940 posted 13 years ago by bryanlyman
This snippet is "extension method" for IDataReader. You can use this snippet below ; I assume you have datareader like that SqlDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (dataReader.IsColumnExists("columnName")) { //do something...
0 1418 posted 13 years ago by emregulcan
A implementation for itoa with c. itoa is function that convert a integer to a string.
0 1248 posted 13 years ago by vikiyou
0 1037 posted 13 years ago by streamt
1 903 posted 13 years ago by streamt
1 824 posted 13 years ago by streamt
duratrans printing
0 767 posted 14 years ago by leida011
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