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CSS for form field validation
0 942 posted 9 years ago by fcommisso
The following code will display a cross-browser CSS-gradients. Th add the right selector you can use rgba() for transparency.
0 1193 posted 9 years ago by apphp-snippets
The new updated introduced auto scrolling to highlighted elements, possibility to hide 'next' and 'skip' buttons, add html markup in description, and more.
0 1459 posted 10 years ago by lanagio
Stop a link overflowing it's parent's width
0 881 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
Extremely helpful to anyone who is looking to improve performance and follow best practices in HTML/CSS
2 1395 posted 11 years ago by Rar
How to create animate rotation for a element.
0 985 posted 11 years ago by keidash
Each image is positioned, dimensioned, and repeated according to the comma separated values in the other background properties. The images in the list are layered front to back in the same order they are listed in the rule declaration. If a backgroun...
0 1146 posted 11 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
Demo Image: http://i.imgur.com/hTQXYOu.png
0 888 posted 11 years ago by jntu_gnec
Uses CSS3 attributes and psuedo elements to create a simple play button for web interfaces.
0 1005 posted 11 years ago by devowhippit
When box sizing is set, the padding, border and margin no longer add onto the total width or height of the element. Instead, they eat into the set width or height. So, if you have a box whose width is set to 300px, and padding set to 10px, then the t...
1 1003 posted 12 years ago by bmayzure
Cross-browser roll link effect in CSS3. Works in IE 10+, Webkit (Chrome/Safari/etc), Opera, Gecko (Firefox/Seamonkey/etc). Degrades nicely for unsupported browsers.
0 993 posted 12 years ago by bmayzure
A simple CSS3 link-color transition effect. Fades from the base color to the active/focus color and back on rollover. A nice little added effect that's pretty well cross browser. Works with Webkit (Chrome/Safari/etc), Opera, Gecko (Firefox/Seamonkey/...
1 1060 posted 12 years ago by bmayzure
When using a CSS3 property that has vendor-prefixed versions available, I indent as usual with one tab and then use spaces to line up the properties on the colon. This allows for easy editing of all ‘sibling’ properties at once using [Sublime Tex...
1 1106 posted 12 years ago by Todd
CSS3 Ajax Loading Animation ======== This is a simulation for the popular gif animated images. The reason why i choose to do it in css3 is the flexibility of re-using it in different sizes, different colors and the transparency issues in gif anim...
1 965 posted 12 years ago by MohamedAlaa
CSS code to add a CSS3 box shadow to the bottom of an element only.
0 939 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
Truncate the multiline text. Webkit Property.
1 776 posted 12 years ago by Rakowskey
IE8 and below have no CSS support
0 870 posted 12 years ago by tucq88
Implementation of CSS3 Media Query
0 1060 posted 12 years ago by ecksteing
This is a simple HTML5 CSS3 website template you can customize it according to your needs. It has a clean and modular code and css. No fancy stuff just basic elements presents like : slideshow, social icons and a navigation bar. Its cross browser com...
0 1261 posted 12 years ago by flanker
not mine.
0 1075 posted 12 years ago by kdesilva
* This will not work in IE.
0 980 posted 12 years ago by ryanfiorini
Simple 2 lines of CSS and you have a dropdown with hover.
1 1077 posted 12 years ago by ryanfiorini
This will take the screen width into account and display either a horizontal menu or a dropdown menu with a hover style. Resize your window to see the effect.
1 1101 posted 12 years ago by ryanfiorini
This is a good replacement for a mask for mobile devices. You are still able to click through the shadow to the text behind.
0 935 posted 12 years ago by ryanfiorini
This uses transitions for the hover effect which has limited IE support.
0 1105 posted 12 years ago by ryanfiorini
Just came across pure css3 soothing clouds, looks awesome, checkout!
0 912 posted 12 years ago by jimmy101
a link with the class becomes circle animated rotating once and fading in
1 906 posted 12 years ago by discipolo
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