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Use this logic to avoid double counting in ORACLE SQL
1 909 posted 14 years ago by mprabhuram
This function can be used to find out if there exists an overlap between two pairs of dates or time. There is an alternate way to calculate the actual overlapping value - Read the snippet "How to avoid double counts"
0 3345 posted 14 years ago by mprabhuram
ROW_NUMBER() - Partition (group by) the expression values and assigns integer values to the rows depending on their order. thx to Shouvik Basu < http://www.orafaq.com/node/55 >
0 793 posted 14 years ago by mprabhuram
0 763 posted 15 years ago by coevolve
0 917 posted 15 years ago by ff1959
0 973 posted 15 years ago by kitzelh
0 1005 posted 15 years ago by kamilch
0 977 posted 15 years ago by kamilch
0 995 posted 15 years ago by kamilch
0 916 posted 15 years ago by kamilch
1 1354 posted 15 years ago by kamilch
0 1042 posted 15 years ago by tenkyu
This sql query will select the past version information about a given file from the database. An example would be searching for %ApprovalHistoryVOImpl% would return all past version numbers (in the database) for the ApprovalHistoryVOImpl.class file....
0 983 posted 15 years ago by theonlyalterego
0 938 posted 16 years ago by emoseman
This compares selected columns between 2 tables that you think might have differences. It lists the rows and values that are different between the two sources You can add WHERE clauses as appropriate. You could also use this to compare the resul...
0 1313 posted 16 years ago by stews
Sample code from processFormRequest to pop up new window via javascript. worth noting: this is not recommended as it can break the OAF page.
0 2232 posted 16 years ago by theonlyalterego
A quick pl/sql command to select from the MDS using the Oracle JDR_UTILS package.
0 915 posted 16 years ago by theonlyalterego
This Oracle SQL snippet converts an Oracle SQL DATE to a STRING in the form CCYYMMDD.
0 1552 posted 16 years ago by retry
0 778 posted 17 years ago by Caliban
Generate the SQL necessary to create triggers that use the sequences listed above. NOTE: This particular script assumes that the tables all start with ‘tbl’. It may need to be modified to work with different naming conventions.
0 796 posted 17 years ago by thecrumb
Generate the SQL necessary to create sequences for every table. NOTE: This doesn’t create sequences. The results need to be copied and run as a script.
0 1031 posted 17 years ago by thecrumb
Get a list of all the user tables.
0 1159 posted 17 years ago by thecrumb
Get all my columns and comments.
0 854 posted 17 years ago by thecrumb
0 776 posted 18 years ago by jnunemaker
0 773 posted 18 years ago by rengber