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In my app, we have to auto-generate usernames for our users, here is the code I did.
2 1273 posted 16 years ago by luctus
To use href.in API to generate a short URL. using php curl
1 840 posted 16 years ago by nerdsane
Figure out if the string possesses only hexadecimal characters in the string. If not, fail. Remember, white spaces are not hexadecimal, so make sure you trim() your strings before you send it in or explode your string.
0 1307 posted 16 years ago by duniyadnd
your database needs id, bezeichner and parent fields
1 808 posted 16 years ago by antpaw
This is a bit of jQuery within a PHP function that you can dump into your Thesis custom_functions.php file to hide comments upon page load and add a link to show them.
2 831 posted 16 years ago by kristarella
This is a basic shell for PayPal IPN. It is by no means a complete solution, but it should provide a good starting point for anyone that wants to work out IPN. Or it can be used as is to do basic IPN.
2 881 posted 16 years ago by xtheonex
1 1004 posted 16 years ago by iroybot
One other thing to note, is that the php generated css file can make use of query parameters, for instance: <link rel="stylesheet" href="base.css.php?type=alternate" type="text/css" > in your PHP file you can use the variable: if ($_GE...
2 1286 posted 16 years ago by dbug13
1 805 posted 16 years ago by fackz
An example of how to write your own navigation with dynamic "active" classes.
3 1115 posted 16 years ago by kristarella
2 916 posted 16 years ago by dbug13
this will give you a lovely RSS. Im sure you will need to edit the database stuff and row names
5 1204 posted 16 years ago by antpaw
Is.Gd is a URL-shortening service much like TinyURL. Using PHP’s cURL library, you can create shortened URLs on the fly with ease. “is.gd” is much shorter than “tinyurl.com” so if you need the URL to be as short as possible, use this method...
0 862 posted 16 years ago by nerdsane
If reading email from a POP box with PHP, you can use this to strip out signatures (ones that are delimited with the proper '--' notation). It will only strip the last signature of an email, in case someone enters a '--' intentionally elsewhere.
0 929 posted 16 years ago by DaveChild
1 1019 posted 16 years ago by gfazioli
I use this snippet to force a number to 2 decimal places. Eg, For prices, PHP rounds the number 22.20 to 22.2. This code forces a zero on the end if there isn't 2 decimal places already.
1 986 posted 16 years ago by xtheonex
Function to return the current page name, without the location of it... Eg, for the URL http://localhost/www/someproject/index.php, this would return index.php
1 797 posted 16 years ago by xtheonex
A quick, usefull function which i use to convert a date/time string pulled from MySQL, into a readable format.
1 973 posted 16 years ago by xtheonex
To be placed inside a loop or a query
1 839 posted 16 years ago by davebowker
0 1052 posted 16 years ago by Wardy
0 905 posted 16 years ago by jonniespratley
1 1008 posted 16 years ago by ginoplusio
Helpfull function to remove recursively specific folders.
3 917 posted 16 years ago by eden159
# Export MySQL Data as CSV This code takes a `mysql_query()` resource and outputs its rows into CSV spreadsheet format. Edit the `header('Content-Disposition...` declaration to tell the user's browser to either display the data as plain text or do...
6 1131 posted 16 years ago by mikegreen
// FUNCION BY Ahmet Alp Balkan // http://www.ahmetalpbalkan.com
2 1013 posted 16 years ago by prf_q
Simple PHP tutorial on how to use isset.
0 1531 posted 16 years ago by 1man
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