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This snippet uses isset() instead strlen() to verify a PHP variable (in this example $username) is set and is at least six characters long.
0 734 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
This code will create a human readable string that will look more close to dictionary words, useful for captchas.
0 2131 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
This function will fetch the real IP address of the user even if he is behind a proxy server.
0 852 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
If you don’t need human readable string, then use this function instead, which will create a random string you can use for user id’s etc.
1 890 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
Provide files to the user by forcing them to download.
0 1020 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
With this snippet, you can encode any email address into HTML entities so that spam bots do not find it.
0 812 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
This function converts URLs and e-mail addresses within a string into clickable hyperlinks.
0 903 posted 15 years ago by paulgrenwood
0 674 posted 15 years ago by gpupo
One drawback: Removal of button leaves a small indent in first line of paragraph, probably an element:style DIV. Don't yet know how to get rid of that.
1 714 posted 15 years ago by thesislab
Helpful for remembering useful CURLOPT constants. Taken from an example in the php manual comments.
3 1040 posted 15 years ago by DrewDouglass
This a simple wrapper for cgi, write in php, use stdin for post, and query_string env, for get =)
0 742 posted 15 years ago by renatoelias
0 1112 posted 15 years ago by optimiseweb
2 969 posted 15 years ago by JREAM
i know these regex stuff is rather slow, but still i like having slim documents. (don't forget to use gzip compression on all text docs)
3 940 posted 15 years ago by iroybot
This code is not made by me : But it was used for one of my projects. This code scans for all png files in a directory and creates a 100x100 thumbnail and moves it into a specified directory. :.INCLUDES A DATA TEXT CODE WHICH PUTS THE NAMES OF ALL...
2 871 posted 15 years ago by brandonio21
This code is not made by me : But it was used for one of my projects. This code scans for all jpeg files in a directory and creates a 100x100 thumbnail and moves it into a specified directory. :.INCLUDES A DATA TEXT CODE WHICH PUTS THE NAMES OF A...
3 796 posted 15 years ago by brandonio21
This code is not made by me : But it was used for one of my projects. This code scans for all gif files in a directory and creates a 100x100 thumbnail and moves it into a specified directory. :.INCLUDES A DATA TEXT CODE WHICH PUTS THE NAMES OF AL...
2 831 posted 15 years ago by brandonio21
This function will add soft hyphens after every 3rd character in words of over 10 characters. It will not leave fewer than three characters following a soft hyphen. Known bugs: Adds soft hyphens to URLs and within HTML tags.
0 793 posted 15 years ago by DaveChild
Code explains itself. I plan to do a lot more work on it - just wanted to throw it up here for a little sharing. Feel free to take it to the next level.
1 789 posted 15 years ago by brettbergeron
Ever wanted to give your cliant an idear on how much disk space they have remaining? The following script will tell your user how much disk space has been used and how much is remaining. In this example $diskspace refers the amount of diskspace you...
1 885 posted 15 years ago by scopefragger
5 975 posted 15 years ago by iTony
Display the number of people following you on Twitter using this custom Twitter badge. The code simply returns a number so you can style it however you like.
1 970 posted 15 years ago by neal_grosskopf
0 996 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
0 763 posted 15 years ago by iloveitaly
Easy check (: **UPD** You can just use [version_compare()](http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.version-compare.php) function.
1 914 posted 15 years ago by kirik
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