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I’ve been working on a CMS lately and having to create thumbnails for uploaded images is always a pain, lots of maths working out the correct sizes and such, so I’ve created a fairly small script to manipulate images in an object-oriented style.
posted 14 years ago by dom111
Example code for a SlideDeck user to place their SlideDeck on the homepage of their WordPress site.
posted 14 years ago by oriontimbers
Since the 31 of august 2010, twitter made its API more secure, stopping basic authentication calls.
So, if you used basic authentication you have to change your code and implement oAuth authentication model or you can follow this link and found a mi...
posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
Add this to your .htaccess file to make PHP5 the default version on Netcologne (Germany) Webspace.
posted 14 years ago by mountbatt
allows for variable length arguments - something similar as python
func(*args, **kw)
posted 14 years ago by silviud
I needed to trim a simple numerical array that might have duplicate values into an array with no duplicates. I came up with this before finding array_unique(). D\'oh.
posted 14 years ago by beneberle
In a Project i had to save serialized arrays in a MYSQL Database, when i used that i got a Error Message for no reason (Error at offset XX of XX bytes in...). I wrote this little functions to fix that issue. (I dont recommend to save serialized Arra...
posted 14 years ago by FreaKzero
This snippet can be called in every controller, all you need to do is to specify the form name, the model name and the data.
posted 14 years ago by stolkchris
If you need to add some content to your pages without having that content in your database you can use Wikipedia API. You can, for example, need to add automatically a simple description to a city name, or to a band name. Or you could need to add the...
posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio