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Con esto evitamos que un enlace que tengamos con 'href="#"' actue como tal y la pagina haga scroll hasta la parte superior.
0 625 posted 14 years ago by jacinmontava
Looked for a simple, efficient cross-fading script that does it properly without fading to the background color. This script uses z-indexes to prevent the background from ever showing, creating a smooth fade.
0 665 posted 14 years ago by relaxasaurus
I was recently faced with the problem of setting focus to the next input field. The challenge was that I didn’t know what that field was. So given an input field, find the next logical (in the order of the DOM) input field and set focus. I came up...
1 1190 posted 14 years ago by Meander365
Place the following code in header.php before the call to wp_head(). (If you do not include the exact version number when calling libraries from Google's AJAX Libraries API, a redirect is used to pull up the most current version. While this is han...
3 1149 posted 14 years ago by chrisdpratt
1 666 posted 14 years ago by rccc
I can't help thinking that good use of jQuery & Javascript must use extensive comments
0 1014 posted 14 years ago by PandaWood
0 781 posted 14 years ago by landonmiller
adapted from http://jquery14.com/day-05
10 1328 posted 14 years ago by cfleschhut
add a value to your text input e.g. "Enter keywords" and clear on-click
0 837 posted 14 years ago by flicity
This is an improvement on http://snipplr.com/view/11583/retrieve-url-params-with-jquery/ I found IE wasn't liking the results[1] when no param was set. This fixes that issue.
6 3270 posted 14 years ago by geekyjohn
Easily grabs email addresses from a bulk text (CSV and/or some other email address-filled list/db). Example #2 takes the input (bulk text) from textarea #input and puts the clean emails in the textarea #extractedemails.
1 2987 posted 14 years ago by world_eggplant
3 870 posted 14 years ago by davebowker
Handy little snippet i found in 'jquery enlightenment' for caching certain selected files. Could be useful for larger files later on in a site.
1 1282 posted 14 years ago by 1man
Simple plugin to demonstrate how the 'this' keyword is used. Plugin also allows chaining via the 'return'
0 1147 posted 14 years ago by 1man
Con esto puedes tener control de las imagenes que fueron cargadas y las que no.
0 720 posted 14 years ago by jrobinsonc
Since :first-child and :last-child aren't compatible with all modern browsers I thought I'd post this snippet. It make automating the class creation easier too instead of having to remember when typing up your HTML or creating logic in your programm...
3 988 posted 14 years ago by smoothdzion
0 873 posted 14 years ago by chippper
Example in 'jQuery enlightenment' Simple way to jump smoothly down the page without the use of a plugin.
3 1066 posted 14 years ago by 1man
What it does: clears & submits exposed filters form via AJAX (if enabled, otherwise normal page refresh). This is for Views 2.x. It works with the 'remember me' option. You need to create a custom module. E.g. custom/custom.module and custom/cu...
1 1486 posted 14 years ago by morningtime
Example given in the book jQuery Enlightenment. Create your own custom selectors in jQuery and manipulate as usual.
0 987 posted 14 years ago by 1man
Basic skeleton for a plugin. Contains an example to show where code needs to go.
2 683 posted 14 years ago by ira
1 525 posted 14 years ago by eivind
bit shabby and should really never do this but hey! Takes an id selector of a ul and expects the ul to be ul>li>a which gets converted into an option list which changes the destination url of the anchor button beneath on select change. bah.
0 1277 posted 14 years ago by ReeceMarsland
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